Industry Partners are an integral part of the m-Logistics Initiative. In 2010, we worked with Estafeta (Mexico’s largest courier), Motorola, Google, and Bank of America. During 2011 the m-Logistics Initiative will broaden its partnerships to include consumer-focused companies interested in leveraging mobile phones to reduce the cost of their distribution and retail networks in low-income markets.
Industry Partners of the MIT m-Logistics Initiative for 2011 join by making a two or three year commitment to a mutually agreed contribution to MIT. This includes membership to the MIT Supply Chain Exchange, which provides access to MIT CTL research and reports, and enables interactions with Center faculty, students, and other partner organizations. It also includes access to MIT Global SCALE (Supply Chain And Logistics Excellence) Network, an international alliance of leading edge research and education centers, dedicated to the development and dissemination of global innovation in supply chain and logistics. SCALE has nodes in North and South America, Europe, and expansion plans into E. Asia and Africa. Members enjoy preferential rates to events, seminars, and executive education courses organized by MIT CTL.
Additionally, Industry Partners will benefit from having one of the modules of the m-Logistics platform branded with their logo and credit (i.e. “sponsored by…”). Their brand and logo will also be included in all mass promotional materials, online properties, and public relations activities launched by the Initiative