Companies that benefit most from working with MIT CTL are:
- Preparing to implement pivotal change
- Evaluating supply chains in transition
- Priming to take their supply chains to a higher level of efficiency
- Employing supply chain innovations to achieve corporate goals
Types of MIT CTL Partnerships
Our Supply Chain Exchange (SCE) is a robust, flexible corporate outreach program that offers four levels of engagement so that all organizations can participate.
Exchange Partners
Exchange Partners engage with our industry-leading Executive Education courses, partner symposia, roundtables, and online forums to form a community of practice for supply chain management.
Capstone Partners
Sponsoring companies and organizations collaborate with masters-level students from the #1 ranked MIT Supply Chain Management Program and MIT Global SCALE Network programs to work on innovative and challenging supply chain capstone projects.
Research Partners
Organizations that want to probe deeply into one of their own specific supply chain challenges participate in the Research Partner program. Research partners work directly with the MIT CTL lab or researcher group best-matched to their challenge.
Strategic Partners
Strategic Partners engage at the highest level of collaboration with MIT CTL faculty, researchers, and students while gaining the most access to other industry leaders. Strategic Partners sit on MIT CTL’s executive board to help guide the future of the Center.
Contact us to learn more (link opens email).